Mr. Cat has a field day
OMG! THIS is the shawl I have been working on so hard. THIS is the shawl where I ran out of yarn, some kind soul sent me a skein, I had to bleach it to match, and then finish it up quick like a bunny so that I could block it and get it off to the Fair. Seriously, Mr. Cat? THIS is what you do in the middle of the night instead of catching mice? You torturous beast! I left the shawl pinned to the library rug overnight to dry and this is what I woke up to in the morning. ARGHHHH! I couldn't even look at the cat. I couldn't even look at the shawl. I just wanted to cry and go back to bed.

I managed to pull myself together by the afternoon and worked on all the snags. That wasn't so bad but it took me a good long time to get the yarn all back to where it was supposed to be and the stitches evened out. I pissed and moaned the whole time though. I had to wait until yesterday to try to mend the hole. I just coulnd't take looking at it. I growled at the cat every time I saw him. Damn cat. Oh, he's been a very nice kitty up til now. I have no idea what came over him.
With white towel in hand and a mess of needles and crochet hooks I set to work. I wanted to lay the hole over the white towel so that I could see better. It worked. I took off my glasses, bent my head over the achingly big hole and began to work. It took me all day. All damn day but I think I got it. I had to go find tiny dpns so that I could knit some of the stitches back up. I had to do yarn overs with such tiny pieces of yarn that I thought my eyes would bleed. I managed SSKs with a knitting needle and a darning needle. I got it all knit up to where the yarn was broken and saw that I had missed something crucial. I took it all back out and started over. And then I started over again. It was exhausting. And...I saw nothing of the cat all day. He must have put himself in a time out because there was not a whisker to be seen.
Finally, right before dinner, I saw it, I had it, I executed it! I mended the hole! It wasn't easy to hide those two tiny pieces of broken yarn but I think I did okay. It looks good. It's not good enough for the Fair though. Sigh. I'm going to enter it anyway because today's the day for that. I thought I had a perfect piece of knitting. I did. No mistakes. I might have had a ribbon. Not this time. Oh, it's okay. I still have my socks and gloves to enter and when I dig the shawl out of my bag at the entrant's table I'm going to ask if there is a special catagory for ripped up and mended knitting. Maybe there is.

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