Arghhh! I have discovered that I can't make a decent looking buttonhole to save my neck. They all look like shit. And I'm having problems getting them spaced correctly. Who knew this would be such a dilemma? Here I was thinking making 13 or 14 buttonholes would be fun. So, so silly of me. I know I have made buttonholes before because I have knit sweaters that required buttons but now I'm not sure that I really did them correctly. They might have looked like shit as well. I'm going to have to go check.

The problem, besides the fact that they all look like crap, is that they have to be made in ribbing. I know that most sweaters have ribbing up the front so it's reasonable to be putting them in a swatch of ribbing but the swatch is so narrow...10 stitches wide...that no matter what kind of buttonhole I make it just looks stupid. See that one in the middle? It doesn't look bad in the photo but in real life it's a mess. Up close and personal it looks as though a monkey knit it. With sticks. And just try to get a tiny round buttonhole to sit in the middle of 10 stitches and look like it should be there. It doesn't want to be there and it does not want to look nice. I have thrown more wads of jacked up buttonhole swatches in the trash than anyone can imagine. I probably could have knit a baby sweater out of what I have tossed out. I am at that point of not wanting to unravel anymore damn swatches but to just get them out of my sight.

And hell, the lace isn't going so well either. I have to pick a lace design and then get it to fit inside a square of seed stitch and not look stupid. This is also harder than I thought it would be. I have one swatch done that will be acceptable but I need two more and so far I've knit 6 or 7 that have either turned out surprisingly lumpy or too big and floppy. In one of my almost constant online searches I did find out how to block a lace square with a seed stitch border so I'm good there. It's just getting something satisfactory made without swearing at it. Yes, I swear at my knitting. I am a verbally abusive knitter and this Level 2 deal just might get me arrested. 

On the other hand, my required vest is turning out okay. I'm done with the back and almost done with the front. The pieces match so far and I'm looking forward to sewing it together because I like doing that. I love seaming knitting and I can't help it. It must be the old seamstress in me that finds pure joy in sewing 2 pieces of knitting together and making it look like no seam is there. I'm two days away from seaming the shoulders and I'm getting excited about it. It's crazy what makes us happy. And I need something to make me happy with this Master's deal because the buttonholes are about to do me in.

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